Friday, May 20, 2011

Soo smooth you can see a fish jump....

It's interesting how technology has changed and is an ever changing process in our lives. I say that because as I write I'm in the car on my way to the temple on a very awesome device that they call these days a "smart phone." That is just what it is! This thing is very smart and has all types of gadgets and every time I check my e-mail or do something like a blog post I feel like I'm in the future. I also feel that I'm on a new level of sophistication and those things that I could only do on a laptop computer or desktop I can now do with a simple device in the palm of my hand. Though I am not a big shot business man yet I do feel like I'm in their world for a moment and I enjoy it. Though this is not the reason of this post, I just thought I would share that little piece of information.
As I came over the bridge or causeway this morning to get off the island, the water in the Indian river was as calm and smooth and almost like glass, which does not happen very often but when it does, creates a beautiful image that is for me, engraved in my mind forever. It is in these moments in my life that make me reflect on my life and remember how Heavenly Father does indeed, have his hand in it. There is no way that the beautiful images of nature were created by chance. For a large amount of people it is hard for them to believe in God and to them I say- if only you had just a little faith... If not even a desire to believe... And then let that desire work in your heart...que pasen un día muy feliz!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you were able to have deep thoughts at that hour. I was just trying to stay awake enough to drive the hoopty. Papa is a trail-blazer!
