Saturday, December 24, 2011

This was written in the wee hours of the morning...thats my disclaimer.

It has been a very long time since I have posted. I use my blog for a few reasons. One, to collect my thoughts. Two, to make it public. Three to make myself tired on those nights that I can't sleep (tonight), and four to voice my opinion. I have never really been one to express my most personal inner feelings over the Internet. It just has never felt right to me. There are some things that are meant to be kept personal and I feel that my deepest feelings are to be kept there. I notice people on many different sites express their emotions publicly on private things and many times I wonder why. I don’t have a problem with reading it. Whatever floats your boat.... but personally I couldn’t do it. I think of this because I was recently thinking about what other people might think about me. I tend to worry about that on occasion because I want to come across as a nice guy to others. One that people want to be around that is reliable and trustworthy. "Self evaluation is key in being the person you want to be." I think I read that some place or someone told me that or maybe I heard it in a meeting but I like to interpret it into telling myself "you better check yourself before you wreck yourself."

Now back to my topic. People expressing their private emotions publicly. I see many people post things that have to do with relationships, past and present. You know the posts I am talking about. You know the ones that range from the positive aspect "I love him!" or "I love her" to the negative aspect "Stupid stupid stupid when I think of you all I think is you are soo stupid," or "thanks for ripping my heart out and stomping on it. Maybe next time you will think twice before leading me on ya dumb heart breaker!" That is what I am talking about. I am not one to post on things of that nature. Those inner thoughts about someone else I tend to keep inside. If I do let them out it is defiantly not over Facebook or this blog or anything like that. I share those feelings with close friends. Granted I do post the occasional complaint about working with those crazies that come in the store asking the world for free and complaining about everything.... but that’s different. Not as personal.

I mention this because I want people to know that even though I don’t post things like that, I do have a personal side. I have feelings and opinions about people just like the next guy. I have feelings for girls. I crush on them. I get frustrated with the "games" they play and the ongoing conspiracy in the dating world where the guy tries to read the girl's mind and visa versa. Don’t act like that’s not true because it is. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have told my friends "If only I knew what she really felt about me." or "what the heck is she thinking?" and I have heard the sayings "what the heck was he thinking?" and "do you think he likes me?" been used by my friends who are girls more than once so I know its the same. I have been at that point where I just want to scream and tell them "enough with the games!" But I don’t post those things for the whole world to read or for the people I am "friends" with but not friends with.

I feel that by me doing that, it might give me the upper hand. I bet if I was dating a girl who did post their heart on Facebook or any other sight, it would be a lot easier to know when they were frustrated with me or when I was doing things right just by checking their status. Dang that would make things easier... I would win every time. But that is not personal. This guy won’t do that. You wanna know how I feel? Ask me! In person. Over the phone is fine as well, even over a text, its personal enough, and I will answer you. If I want to tell you everything I will. If I want to leave people in suspicion because its really nunya buisnass, I will. Most of the time I'll just tell you how I feel. I'm not afraid to do so, but you just have to ask. I'm not gonna pour my heart to someone who didn’t ask. Asking means you really want to know, and if you don't want to know, I don’t want to tell you.

Ya'll come back nah ya hear?!

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