Friday, January 20, 2012

Sweet and salty just like a good bag of trail mix.

It is interesting how we see time go by. I can remember like it was yesterday I was looking out of the window of an airplane, sitting there in my white shirt and tie, shaking my leg like crazy as I watched the sunset over what looked to be like Cape Canaveral in Florida. It was a beautiful sunset that day. I could see the water of the river and the water of the ocean. I could remember thinking to my self "I haven't seen this much water in years." I could remember how nervous I was to be seeing my family for the first time in two years. The plane ride home was a time to reflect upon the things that were about to come to a close in my life. I can remember thinking about what it was like just before I left. I had written in my journal on the plane ride to Utah and to this day I still get a little choked up when I read the words of a younger me, scared for not being able to know what was about to happen next and excited all at the same time.
Nine months ago to the day I stepped off of a plane back in my home state, and back in my home country. Time sure does fly. Its amazing to look back on that time. For some (my mother) its still a very emotional moment when I was able to see my family again for the first time in a long time. We're a tight knit family. The four of us do everything together when everyone is home. If one of us goes somewhere chances are everyone goes. It was a sweet moment when I was able to see them again. The happiness that was felt was something I had never really experiences before. Part of me wanted to be in Mexico serving the people but I knew that my time was up. I can only imagine what it will be like when I die and enter into the presence of my heavenly Father and how that will feel. After A long journey of life on earth to be embraced by him again. To be able to see him face to face and to talk with him face to face. To be able to tell him I made it. I was true and faithful.
I have a lot of work to do still. There is more life to live, and more experiences to be had. I hope to be doing the right thing at my last days. We all need to be to experience that happiness after this life. There are many who are missing out. Its sad to see and I pray for those people every day.
The people I have met in these past few months at college have been some of the coolest people ever. Everyone comes from different backgrounds. Everyone is at a sort of different stage in their life. Some I have grown closer to than others. For some I wish I could spend more time with because they are just so cool. They make me want to be better.
These past nine months have been hard in the sense that there has been many changes. New school. New atmosphere. New weather. New people. New life haha. Change has always been tough for me but I know it is for the better.
I don't know who reads this thing. I don't know if people enjoy reading this thing or not. Sometimes I feel like I just ramble, but I guess that just goes back to my first post that says "this is more for me than it is for you." I sure hope you do get something out of it whoever you are. If anything the opportunity to know a little more about me. :)
Ya'll come back now ya hear?!

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