Monday, January 23, 2012

Oh....the girl that slipped on the ice....

So I've had a few things on my mind and need to get them out.... I usually don't post this frequently and in a way I'm proud of my self and in another way that just means I have way too much time on my hands.
I think the thing that triggered this post is the fact that as a friend/roommate  and I were driving to school this morning on a ice chilled morning in the great town of Rexburg, I witnessed a rather cute girl (its Rexburg) slip and fall on an icy sidewalk. To that girl I want to say "I'm sorry you had to start out your morning that way. I know you didn't at all think your day was going to start like that. If I wasn't driving 25mph in traffic I would have probably stopped to make sure you were at least OK. If you would like me to score it on a scale of one to ten.....ten. The way your legs flew up in the air at the exact same time in perfect unison to eventually make you land directly on your bottom gave you the right to receive a ten." One thing that I admired about this moment is the fact that she didn't waste time in getting back up on her feet and continued her quick walk in the grass (smart woman). As I pulled into the parking lot at school, all I could think about was that moment and how I can relate in soo many ways literally and figuratively.
Now I'm not one to come up with these crazy analogies about life and I'm not attempting to do this now but just hear me out for a moment. This girl most likely got up extra early to get all dolled up to go to school and look as cute as she could. The outfit was most likely planned. To be honest I didn't get the best look at her (I was driving) but that ice on sidewalk this morning just tried to destroy everything she was trying for. Her confidence level might have shrunk the moment she hit the pavement. But she got up! Brushed herself off! Checked for blood (I would have too), and kept on walking on a better path than before.
Sometimes in our lives (mine in particular but in most peoples as well), we do everything we can to have the right things happen, or have what we think is right happen, but then comes that nice thin layer of ice in our paths to put us right on our hindquarters. It is those moments in my life where just like that poor girl who slipped on the ice I get back up, brush myself off and check for blood. Then...I keep going. She kept going. (This is the moment where I come up with a good quote.) "The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense." - Tom Clancy. Reality sometimes doesn't make sense. I still don't understand why she had to be the one to take the fall this morning. But I did learn a few things. One-don't try to walk fast on a slick sidewalk. Two- when there is an icy patch in life you're most likely going to fall.... just get up and keep walking, but don't forget to walk with caution. Word.
Ya'll come back now ya hear!?